学生s present their work in a variety of ways, including oral presentations, 海报, and 3D displays.
These are only examples. 你可能有其他的工作与过去所展示的不匹配.
See for yourself - check out previous Showcase works at http://gtcshines.tumblr.com/.
Tips on presenting at the Showcase:
How to dress for your presentation:
除非你是盛装出席演讲,否则我们建议你穿着经过深思熟虑的服装 business casual. 业务 casual would be slacks or khakis, dress shirt or blouse, open-collar or polo shirt, optional tie or seasonal sport coat, a dress or skirt at knee-length or below, a tailored blazer, knit shirt or sweater, 以及覆盖足部或大部分的便鞋或正装鞋.
如果您正在考虑提交海报,请咨询 Poster Preparation Instructions (pdf) for specific requirements.
Necessary Elements for Poster Submission:
如果您正在考虑上传视频提交,请咨询 Steps to Uploading Videos to YouTube (pdf) for specific instructions.
Videos are a great way to deliver a presentation. 掌握几个基本的视频技巧将帮助您创建精美,专业的视频.